The preamble to 1860 Constitution of the Society eloquently describes the goals of our organization:
Oratory has, in every age, exerted an influence on the political, social, and moral conditions of Nations. As governments have changed from despotic to republican, and as man has advanced in culture and civilization, this influence has become more important, until, in our age and country, its sway is almost omnipotent. Sensible, then, of the power which oratory possesses for good or evil, we have formed this association for the purpose of improving in this art, and we have called it the Washington Society, that its name, recalling the deeds of the “Illustrious Father of American Liberty,” may animate us with the desire of using the power here attained, for the good of our country, and the weal of our countrymen.
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The Washington Society has been, and always will be, committed to upholding these goals and to fostering the exchange of ideas through oratory. The Wash strives to maintain an environment where students are comfortable sharing their thoughts, either through debates or literary presentations.